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Below are the groups for the county of Dublin


Convener - Paul Taouk

The North Dublin M.A.L.E.s group meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in

Cottrell Lodge,
16A Ormond Road, Drumcondra
Eircode D09AW26

Email: paultaouk@gmail.com

Ciaran's Talking Stick


Convener - Martin

The Tearmann Men's group meet every Wednesday in the little room off the Church on Oldcourt Avenue at 8pm. Tea/Coffee from 7:45pm. All men are most welcome

Old Court Ave,
Dublin 24,
Eircode: D24 X798


Ballyfermot - Monthly Meeting

Convener - Martin Donaghy

The Ballyfermot meeting is held on the third Saturday of each month from 10am until 1pm and all men are welcome. The venue is

De La Salle retreat centre,
197 Le Fanu Road,
Dublin 10
Eircode D10 X735

Email: eolas@malesireland.ie

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16 July, 2024
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18 July, 2024
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20 July, 2024
21 July, 2024
22 July, 2024
23 July, 2024
24 July, 2024
25 July, 2024
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A young man who cannot cry is a savage
An old man who cannot laugh is a fool

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