MROP Males Ireland

Men’s RITEs of passage have been around for millennia in practically every tradition the earth has ever seen. The transition from “Boy” to “Man” has occurred in many different guises but the theme of dying to one stage of life to enter another remains unchanged.

In the modern world with its busyness and technology this essential stage in a male’s life may not have happened in a real or wholesome way if indeed there was any rite at all.

The Male Journey Ireland have continued the RITEs of passage from the Men ALearners and Elders (M.A.L.E.s) programme which has seen over five thousand men initiated to date. This involves a five day process where you will experience many facets of soul life such as drumming, ritual, fire, silence, small groups, wilderness, solo-time, teaching … and much more. Our primary concern is our inner work that makes a difference in the world.

You will be held in a very safe container by a group of initiated Elders who have freely committed themselves to be present for the duration of your RITEs from beginning to end.

During these days you will be immersed in the brotherhood of man to which you belong. You will meet many men like yourself some of whom you will become friends with for the rest of your entire life. Men who you know will support you and be present for you.

Everyman is unique, worthy of respect because of his dignity as a human being. The RITEs have the potential in helping you discover who you are, more than how you seem and greater than you imagined. It is a time for men to grow and gain hope for the future.   

Life wounds all of us but great blessings can come from our wounds. It is life that defines us, not our losses, hurts or failings. These are the stepping stones to a more aware and fuller life

Our strength together helps us be better men able to accept the responsibilities and challenges of life. The Men’s RITEs of Passage are suitable for men of all colour, age, sexuality, ethnicity and faith tradition (or no faith); men with more severe physical disabilities are asked to get in touch for further advice.

The next Men’s RITEs in Ireland are in July 2025.

This year we will be holding the Young Men’s RITEs of Passage for men between 18 and 28.
Click here for details

Click the video to listen to what men have to say about their RITEs

A young man who cannot cry is a savage
An old man who cannot laugh is a fool

 © M.A.L.E.s
Ireland 2024

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